It's seem quite bored in this blog. So today i want share with you all what i gets for today from my Research Class.
Today my lecturer discuss with us what is Literature Review all about. This literature review is common sense for university student especially. Okay, i want start our lesson for today.

- A critical evaluation of materials that have been published or unpublished in the area that is being research
- Is also an evaluation report of information found in the literature related to selected area of study
- It's all about summarize, describe, evaluate and clarify
- Defines and clarify the problem
- Summarizes previous investigates in order to inform the reader of current work
- Identify relations, contradictions, inconsistencies in the literature
- Suggest the next stage to solve the problem
- To convey the reader what knowledge and ideas
- Provide a context for research
- Justify the research
- Ensure it has not being done before
- Show the research fits in the existing knowledge
- Illustrate how the subject have been studied before
- Highlights flow in the previous research
- Outline gaps in previous research
- Show how the work can add to the understanding and knowledge of subject
- Help refine, refocus or change topic
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